How to Choose the Right Size Water Heater for Your Home

Hello, Boulder Community! 

You know, sometimes life throws curveballs that remind us we're not plumbers—like when you have to decide on the size of a new water heater for your home. Don't sweat it; we've got your back! This guide will walk you through the nitty-gritty of choosing a water heater that's just the right fit for your household's needs.

Why Size Matters

Selecting the right size for your water heater is not just about making sure it fits into that closet or basement space. Nope, it’s also about ensuring you have enough hot water for those crucial moments—morning showers, laundry days, or the occasional 'spa day' at home. Too small a unit and you're in for a series of cold showers. Too large, and you're burning money on heating water you won't use.

1️⃣ Calculate Your Peak Hour Demand

First things first: you need to figure out your home's peak hour demand, meaning the most hot water you'd use in any one hour during the day.

  • Shower/Bath: 10-20 gallons

  • Laundry: 7 gallons (for modern washers)

  • Hand/Face washing: 2 gallons

  • Dishwashing: 6 gallons (machine), 4 gallons (by hand)

Tip: Add these up based on your peak usage time, and voila! That’s your peak hour demand.

2️⃣ Understand Heater Capacity

Water heaters come with something called a “First Hour Rating” (FHR), often listed on the unit's EnergyGuide label. This number tells you how many gallons of hot water the heater can supply per hour (starting with a full tank).

👉 Your Aim: Find a water heater with an FHR close to your peak hour demand. It’s that simple!

Energy Guide with First Hour Rating

3️⃣ Factor in Family Size

Here are some general guidelines based on family size:

  • 1-2 people: 30-40 gallons

  • 2-3 people: 40-50 gallons

  • 3-4 people: 50-60 gallons

  • 5+ people: 60-80 gallons

Remember, these are just approximations. Always consider your unique circumstances!

4️⃣ Consider the Type of Water Heater

  • Tankless: These units provide hot water on demand but have a lower flow rate. So, if you plan on running the dishwasher while taking a shower, you may need a larger unit or even multiple units. Learn more here.

  • Tank-Type: These are the traditional models. They store and heat water in a tank, so you'll need to choose a size based on your peak hour demand.

5️⃣ Don't Forget Energy Efficiency

Smaller units are generally more energy-efficient. However, efficiency also depends on the unit's insulation, heating mechanism, and several other factors. Look for a high Energy Factor (EF) for greater efficiency.

There you have it—a straightforward guide to picking the perfect water heater size for your home. And hey, if all this still sounds a tad overwhelming, give us a shout at Boulder Water Heater Pros. We're all about transparency and providing expert advice that’s easy to understand.

Need our help? Drop us a line or schedule a visit today!

Happy hot-water hunting, Boulder! 🚿🔥

Boulder Water Heater Pros


Tank vs. Tankless: What's the Best Water Heater Choice?


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